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This Life Path Has A Destination.

Like you, I have looked at the path of life taking a turn I couldn't identify; a bend in the road that was obscured by the stuff of life.  Scrubby trees dense with leaves but with no identifiable stature or species. But always we are compelled to travel on. Will this be the turn for better?  Will the next corner reveal why I am on this road? Am I just a few feet from revealing my true destiny? 

Truth is ~ it is not about the destination so much as it is about the journey.  Every step is taking us past a new plant, an opportunity to stop and look closely at the intricate habitations of flowers, leaves, stems, roots, fragrances and micro activity. Living in the moment reduces the stress of the unknown because we have this moment of discovery. Discovery of those around us and how we can contribute to this time and space. Let's explore!

The farther away you get from where you started the closer you are to where you belong. This not only describes a specific event but also has a whole of life application. We all have a God-designed destiny which is activated when we accept our personal gift of salvation through Jesus. To travel life comfortably, we need to know how to read the map, interpret the compass bearings and ask the right questions.

In the Bible, Paul wrote a letter to the Galatians and explained to those who had accepted Jesus as Savior that God has sent you the Spirit of his Son and located him in your heart. What a gift. That is the miracle of our new life and hope in Jesus. God living in our heart providing what we sometimes call ‘gut wisdom’ or ‘I don’t know where it came from, but I just knew what to do even though my mind was confused’ sort of knowledge.

It was always God’s intention that we live our best life. To fulfil that goal He sent Jesus, His only Son, to earth as a baby to live and die as a human man to take the penalty of all sin and to deal with evil by raising Him to life on the third day. We celebrate Christmas - the birth of Jesus. We pause at Easter - the death and resurrection of Jesus. But until we take a serious look at Jesus, the Son of God and His priceless gift of forgiveness and the new life, He offers us, the desire that God, our Heavenly Father has for us remains unopened and secret.

If you want the map reader and adviser to reside in you: if you want to activate the inner voice of God’s Spirit so He can speak to you giving answers and direction you only need to ask Him. If you have never heard of His offer of life or are not sure how, please download this short instruction sheet that will show you the simple steps to receiving God’s gift of life. You will never regret that you did.    Click here – it’s Free! 

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